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5 Strategies for Using the New MOCA- Peds 30 Bonus Minutes

Posted by Stuart Silverstein, MD , FAAP Author : Laughing Your Way to Passing the Pediatric Boards on Sep 26th 2024

5 Strategies for Using the New MOCA- Peds 30 Bonus Minutes 

Alright, folks, so you’re diving into MOCA-Peds, huh? The American Board of Pediatrics’ way of saying, “Hey, you’re a doc, but let’s make sure you’re still awake!” It’s this online assessment thing they got going, split up into four quarters—yeah, like a basketball game, only without the fun. For 2024, the ABP is giving you a gift: a whole 30 extra minutes added to your time clock. Not per quarter, mind you; that’s for the entire year! So, don’t get too excited—it’s not a time machine, just a little nudge.

Here’s how this time dance works:

  1. Quarterly Drills: You get four quarters, 15 questions each. That’s 60 questions for the math-challenged. You’ve got three months per quarter to answer them, which, let’s be honest, means you’ll do them all the night before.
  2. Time Crunch: Each question gives you around five minutes to answer—enough time to overthink but not enough to Google it. That’s about 75 minutes per quarter, so don’t dilly-dally!
  3. Extra Time, Extra Stress: The ABP is throwing you a bone with 30 extra minutes. But here’s the kicker—it’s not per quarter; it’s spread across the whole year. It’s like finding a few bucks in your old jeans; you can spend it whenever you want, but once it’s gone, it’s gone.
  4. How to Use It: You don’t need to apply for this time; it’s there, like the ketchup at the diner—grab it when you need it. If you burn through some extra time early on, whatever’s left is what you’ve got to work with for the rest of the year. So, don’t blow it all on one tough question; pace yourself!
  5. No Application Required: This isn’t a fancy-schmancy accommodation; everyone gets it. So don’t think you’re getting special treatment—it’s just the ABP’s way of saying, “Hey, we’re tough, but we’re not monsters.”

Maximize That Extra Time Like a Pro:

  • Prioritize the Head-Scratchers: Got a question that makes you go, “What the…?” Spend some of that precious time wisely. Take a breath, slow down, and work it out.
  • Quarterly Pacing: Spread that time like you spread cream cheese—thin, but evenly. Use a little each quarter if you need it, but keep track of how much you’ve got left.
  • Review and Recheck: Use the time to double-check, not to obsess. Fix what you can, then let it go—like your dreams of a lunch break.
  • Know Your Stuff (and Your Weak Spots): Spend your time where it counts. If cardio makes you sweat, spend extra time there. Don’t waste it on questions you can answer in your sleep.
  • Stay Cool Under Fire: Remember, that extra time is your security blanket. Even if you don’t use it all, knowing it’s there can keep you cool, calm, and collected.
  • Practice Like It’s Game Day: Get some practice quizzes under your belt. Timed ones, like the real deal. You’ll get a feel for your speed and maybe even figure out how to not panic when the clock’s ticking.

There you have it—use the time wisely, keep your cool, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll get through this MOCA-Peds thing without pulling your hair out.

"MOCA-Peds 2024: Unlock the Power of the New 30-Minute Bonus to Boost Your Performance"